Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 6: Present

The last thing Maddy said tonight before she went to sleep was "It's my present day." She declared it as such because, out of sheer coincidence, she received 2 belated birthday gifts today.

The first was from Hailey and Sydney. When she opened it her exact words were " I got princess books!!"

Then we got home and there was a box. She noticed her name on it and I opened it for her. She caught a glimpse of the princess bag.... "What is it?! What is it?!" She opens the bag and "AHHHHHH! It's a Tiana dress! Oh my gosh, it's Tiana! It's the one I don't have! Look at it, it's soooo pretty! And the shoes! They light up! And there's a crown! They're sooooo pretty!" Then she ran around the house and had the same basic conversation with my mom, my dad, Paige, me again, my mom again, my dad again, Paige again, her dad when he walked through the door 5 minutes later, me again, and then her dad again.

This picture doesn't even begin to do justice to her excitement. I really wish I had caught it on video. She was ECSTATIC! Completely over the moon!

Thanks, Andersons!

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