she weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces and measured 20.5 inches long.

(photo courtesy of marshall-ngo photography)
i guess what "they" say is true... the 2nd baby will be opposite of the first. so far, so true.
as a newborn maddy never let us put her down, and was never a good sleeper. i had to hold her in my hospital bed to sleep at night. and when we got home she spent a good amount of nights co-sleeping in our bed. i remember spending hours trying to get her down, thach and i taking turns. i would nurse and rock her, thach would run the faucet and sing to her. i always describe her as my "high maintenance" baby... her pedi calls it being "strong minded"... that she is!!
paige, on the other hand, has been a super sleeper (hoping not to jinx anything here!) since day one. even on that first night at the hospital, the nurse came in at 4:15am, asking for an update on her last feeding... my answer: "um, whenever it was the last time you asked, because we all have been sleeping since then!"

so her routine is pretty much this: eat, sleep for an average of 4 hours, sometimes longer (at which time i wake her to nurse), diaper change, eat, sleep for an average of 4 hours, sometimes longer (at which time i wake her to nurse), diaper change... etc, you get it. about three times a day she is awake for anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour and fifteen minutes just looking around and playing.

maddy has taken beautifully to the role of big sister. she has not shown any jealousy towards her baby sister. she is super protective and pretty curious. the first thing she asks when she wakes up and when she gets home from somewhere is "where is em?" she does sometimes get annoyed, though, because she says em sleeps too much and doesn't want to play with her. but oftentimes she disappears from the living room and we find her laying on our bed, watching paige sleep in the cosleeper. it's very sweet.
and on our first outing as a family of four, we went to the ngo's house for a photo shoot. while maddy wasn't too cooperative and fond of sharing the spotlight for pictures, the ride to and from home was super sweet, because she wanted to hold paige's hand the whole way.